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Column Descriptions

This page details the columns contained in each output file.


Column Unit Description
source_id n/a The database id of the source for the association.
meas_id n/a The database id of the measurement for the association.
d2d arcsec The on-sky separation of the measurement to the source at the iteration stage the association was created.
dr n/a The de Ruiter radius of the measurement to the source at the iteration stage the association was created. Will be 0 if de Ruiter assocation is not being used.


Column Unit Description
id n/a The database id of the band.
name n/a The string name of the band, equal to the frequency value.
frequency MHz The band central frequency.
bandwidth MHz The bandwidth of the frequency band, will be 0 if not known.


Column Unit Description
id n/a The database id of the image.
band_id n/a The database id of the associated band.
skyreg_id n/a The database id of the associated sky region.
measurements_path n/a The system path to the measurements parquet file.
polarisation n/a The polarisation of the image.
name n/a The name of the image, taken from the filename.
path n/a The system path to the image FITS file.
noise_path n/a The system path to the associated noise image FITS file.
background_path n/a The system path to the associated background image FITS file.
datetime n/a The date and time of the observation, read from the FITS header.
jd days The date and time of the observation in Julian Days.
duration s The duration of the observation taken from the FITS header, if available.
ra deg The central Right Ascension coordinate of the image.
dec deg The central Declination coordinate of the image.
fov_bmaj deg The estimated major axis field-of-view value - the radius_pixels multipled by the major axis pixel size.
fov_bmin deg The estimated minor axis field-of-view value - the radius_pixels multipled by the minor axis pixel size.
physical_bmaj deg The actual major axis on-sky size - the number of pixels on the major axis multiplied by the major axis pixel size.
physical_bmin deg The actual minor axis on-sky size - the number of pixels on the minor axis multiplied by the minor axis pixel size.
radius_pixels pixels Estimated 'diameter' of the useable image area.
beam_bmaj deg The size of the major axis of the image restoring beam.
beam_bmin deg The size of the minor axis of the image restoring beam.
beam_bpa deg The position angle of the image restoring beam.
rms_median mJy/beam The median RMS value derrived from the RMS map.
rms_min mJy/beam The minimum RMS value derrived from the RMS map (pixel value).
rms_max mJy/beam The maximum RMS value derrived from the RMS map (pixel value).



Some columns are the same as that defined in the Selavy source finder output.

Column Unit Description
island_id n/a The Selavy assigned island_id.
component_id n/a The Selavy assigned component_id.
local_rms mJy The rms value at the location of the measurement.
ra deg The right ascension coordinate of the measurement.
ra_err deg The error of the right ascension coordinate of the measurement.
dec deg The declination coordinate of the measurement.
dec_err deg The error of the declination coordinate of the measurement.
flux_peak mJy/beam The measured peak flux of the component.
flux_peak_err mJy/beam The error of the measured peak flux of the component.
flux_int mJy The measured integrated flux of the component.
flux_int_err mJy The error of the measured integrated flux of the component.
bmaj arcsec The major axis size of the fitted Gaussian (FWHM).
err_bmaj deg The error of the major axis size of the fitted Gaussian (FWHM).
bmin arcsec The minor axis size of the fitted Gaussian (FWHM).
err_bmin deg The error of the minor axis size of the fitted Gaussian (FWHM).
pa deg The position angle of the fitted Gaussian (FWHM).
err_pa deg The error of the position angle of the fitted Gaussian (FWHM).
psf_bmaj arcsec The Selavy deconvolved size of the major axis of the fitted Gaussian.
psf_bmin arcsec The Selavy deconvolved size of the minor axis of the fitted Gaussian.
psf_pa deg The Selavy deconvolved position angle of the fitted Gaussian.
flag_c4 n/a Selavy flag denoting whether the component is considered formally bad (doesn't meet chi-squared criterion).
chi_squared_fit n/a The Selavy quality of the fit.
spectral_index n/a The fitted Selavy spectral index of the component.
spectral_index_from_TT n/a Selavy flag to denote if the spectral index has been derived from the Taylor-term images (True).
has_siblings n/a Selavy flag to denote whether the component is one of many fitted to the same island.
image_id n/a The database id of the image the measurement is from.
time n/a The date and time of observation the measurement is from (obtained from the image).
name n/a The string name of the measurement.
snr n/a The signal-to-noise ratio of the measurement.
compactness n/a The compactness of the measurement (flux_int/flux_peak).
ew_sys_err deg The systematic right ascension error assigned to the measurement.
ns_sys_err deg The systematic declination error assigned to the measurement.
error_radius deg The pipeline estimated error radius of the measurement.
uncertainty_ew deg Total RA positional error of the measurement.
uncertainty_ns deg Total Dec positional error of the measurement.
weight_ew deg\(^{-1}\) The weight of the RA error (1/e).
weight_ns deg\(^{-1}\) The weight of the Dec error (1/e).
forced n/a Flag to denote whether the measurement is produced from the forced fitting procedure (True).
flux_int_isl_ratio n/a The ratio of the measurements integrated flux to the total island integrated flux.
flux_peak_isl_ratio n/a The ratio of the measurements peak flux to the total island peak flux.
id n/a The database id of the measurement.


Column Unit Description
meas_id_a n/a The database id of measurement a of the pair.
meas_id_b n/a The database id of measurement b of the pair.
flux_int_a mJy The integrated flux of measurement a of the pair.
flux_int_err_a mJy The error of the integrated flux of measurement a of the pair.
flux_peak_a mJy/beam The peak flux of measurement a of the pair.
flux_peak_err_a mJy/beam The error of the peak flux of measurement a of the pair.
image_name_a n/a The image name of measurement a of the pair.
flux_int_b mJy The integrated flux of measurement b of the pair.
flux_int_err_b mJy The error of the integrated flux of measurement b of the pair.
flux_peak_b mJy/beam The peak flux of measurement b of the pair.
flux_peak_err_b mJy/beam The error of the peak flux of measurement b of the pair.
image_name_b n/a The image name of measurement b of the pair.
vs_peak n/a The pair \(V_s\) value using the peak flux.
vs_int n/a The pair \(V_s\) value using the integrated flux.
m_peak n/a The pair \(m\) value using the peak flux.
m_int n/a The pair \(m\) value using the integrated flux.
source_id n/a The database id of the source the pair is associated to.
id n/a The database id of the measurement pair.


Column Unit Description
from_source_id n/a The database id of the first source in the relation pair.
to_source_id n/a The database id of the second source in the relation pair.


Column Unit Description
id n/a The database id of the sky region.
centre_ra deg The right ascension value of the sky region central coordinate.
centre_dec deg The declination value of the sky region central coordinate.
width_ra deg The width of the area covered by the sky region.
width_dec deg The height of the area covered by the sky region.
xtr_radius deg The hypotenuse radius of the sky region.
x rad The central cartesian x coordinate of the sky region.
y rad The central cartesian y coordinate of the sky region.
z rad The central cartesian z coordinate of the sky region.



The index column of the sources parquet is set to the database id of the source.

Column Unit Description
n_meas n/a The total number of measurements associated to the source (selavy and forced).
n_meas_sel n/a The total number of selavy measurements associated to the source.
n_meas_forced n/a The total number of forced measurements associated to the source.
n_sibl n/a The total number of measurements that have a has_sibling value of True.
n_rel n/a The total number of relations the source has.
wavg_ra deg The weighted average of the Right Ascension of the measurements, that acts as the source position.
wavg_dec deg The weighted average of the Declination of the measurements, that acts as the source position.
wavg_uncertainty_ew deg The error of the weighted average right ascension value.
wavg_uncertainty_ns deg The error of the weighted average declination value.
new n/a Flag to signify the source is classed as a new source (True).
new_high_sigma n/a The largest sigma value a new source would have if it was placed at its location in the previous images it was not detected in. See New Sources for more information. Set to 0 for non-new sources.
n_neighbour_dist deg The on-sky separation to the nearest source with in the same pipeline run.
avg_compactness n/a The average compactness value of the associated measurements.
min_snr n/a The minimum signal-to-noise ratio of the associated measurements.
max_snr n/a The maximum signal-to-noise ratio of the associated measurements.
avg_flux_int mJy The average integrated flux value of the measurements associated to the source (inc. forced measurements).
max_flux_int mJy The maximum integrated flux value of the measurements associated to the source (inc. forced measurements).
min_flux_int mJy The minimum integrated flux value of the measurements associated to the source (inc. forced measurements).
avg_flux_peak mJy/beam The average peak flux value of the measurements associated to the source (inc. forced measurements).
max_flux_peak mJy/beam The maximum peak flux value of the measurements associated to the source (inc. forced measurements).
min_flux_peak mJy/beam The minimum peak flux value of the measurements associated to the source (inc. forced measurements).
min_flux_peak_isl_ratio n/a The minimum ratio of the peak flux to the total island peak flux of the measurements associated to the source.
min_flux_int_isl_ratio n/a The minimum ratio of the integrated flux to the total island integrated flux of the measurements associated to the source.
v_int n/a The calculated variability \(V\) metric using the integrated flux values. See variability statistics.
v_peak n/a The calculated variability \(V\) metric using the peak flux values. See variability statistics.
eta_int n/a The calculated variability \(\eta\) metric using the integrated flux. See variability statistics.
eta_peak n/a The calculated variability \(\eta\) metric using the peak flux. See variability statistics.
vs_abs_significant_max_peak n/a The \(\mid V_{s}\mid\) value of the most significant two-epoch pair using the peak fluxes. Will be 0 if no significant pair. See variability statistics.
m_abs_significant_max_peak n/a The \(\mid m \mid\) value of the most significant two-epoch pair using the peak fluxes. Will be 0 if no significant pair. See variability statistics.
vs_abs_significant_max_int n/a The \(\mid V_{s}\mid\) value of the most significant two-epoch pair using the integrated fluxes. Will be 0 if no significant pair. See variability statistics.
m_abs_significant_max_int n/a The \(\mid m \mid\) value of the most significant two-epoch pair using the integrated fluxes. Will be 0 if no significant pair. See variability statistics.

Last update: March 30, 2021
Created: March 18, 2021